Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Pilgrim's Journey, Part 1

I became more and more enchanted with Conques as I entered the village proper. Old stone houses, shops, galleries, restaurants, and hotels lined its cobbled streets. There were pots and baskets of flowers everywhere begging to have their pictures taken. I stopped frequently to capture images of interesting buildings and flowing fountains. My inner pilgrim, though, kept urging me onward until I eventually reached the Abbey Church which anchors the village. I stood in the parvis in front of the church admiring its beautiful tympanum when the bells began to ring. White-robed Brothers appeared out of no where, their sandalled feet hurrying into the Church for noon office. I slipped through the back doors and sat in the nearest pew, drinking in the beauty of this elegant Romanesque church. My pilgrim heart was soothed...at least for now.

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